Crocheting Hyperbolic Forms

Many organisms in nature are formed in hyperbolic planes: coral, kelp, sea slugs, and anemones.  We can use hyperbolic crochet to replicate these forms.  Visit the Lion Brand website for free patterns to crochet these sea forms.  You do have to join the site, but it is free, and they don't spam your email.  The IFF also has an informative little book that explains in clear language the mathematics, and also has some basic patterns for creating the hyperbolic forms.

It's fun to experiment with different yarns and to invent new forms.  Use the basic patterns as a starting place, and then get creative!  Use your imagination; there are no rules.

We welcome contributions of crochet coral and other sea creatures to the Lake Bonneville Reef.  All donated pieces will be a part of the final installation that will be on exhibit at Westminster in October 2011.

Contact Bobbi at slccoralreef[at]gmail[dot]com if you want to join our crochet group, or if you would like to crochet part of the reef.